Talking about the "Happy Dawn"

Hi there. The last few months have been absolutely This is my dream game come true. A piece of my life is part of this game, and seeing it materialized after so long in my head gives me an inexplicable feeling.

What do I wish? 

I wish people would experience something different. Not many games step outside of convention and take risks with strange and seemingly absurd stories (my sense of humor is a little broken xD).

What do I expect from the game?

Honestly, not much, a few downloads, a few comments, and that's it. For me, it's a great story, it has its share of laughter and its share of thinking, like life itself, sometimes laughing at the problems that happen is good. This is just a demo but the full story is already running through my head although it's not a long story.

What will happen to the game?

It's been two hard months of work to get into the jam, being an indie developer is like being a one-man band and that sometimes makes you do crunch. This is a hobby for me. I'm just a young Cuban guy who makes games for fun. I have no plans for the game, although I would like to finish it and see if it can reach more, like porting it to PC and/or consoles (dreaming doesn't cost anything ;) ).

Just have to wait. Thanks for the time and love.


HappyDawnDEMO_jam.gba 1.4 MB
Aug 17, 2024

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ÑO!!! Qué clase' descarga! 


Otro desarrollador cubano por aquí. Me gusta como usaste nuestra niñez y cultura como inspiración, para darle un estilo e imagen único a tu juegos. Voy a tener que descargarme un emulador de gba. ¿Que engine usaste? ¿Godot? Suerte y disfruta el proceso!!!

hey, que tal? Muchas gracias. Usé butano, es una Biblioteca de c++ para hacer juegos para gba específicamente. Es bastante potente 

Cool, parece de bajo nivel a diferencia de Godot y Unity. Me quito el sombrero.