Another Step Post-Mortem

What’s the best advice for making a videogame? Create a small one. That's what any experienced game developer would tell you if you wanted to make a video game. That's the idea I had to develop Another Step. In this small postmortem, I'm going to comment on the process I had to make it, the positives and negatives, so that in some way if you find yourself in a similar situation, you know what you should do.

To start, this game was created for a 7-day game jam, being so little time and only having a few hours, I always like to make a small prototype to know if it deserves to participate in the jam or not.

  •  Choosing the right technology 

To make the game, I first chose Gdevelop to develop it, because it seems to me a fairly easy-to-use engine and for the idea I had in mind it suited me well. This played against me because when I already had the prototype quite advanced, I decided to switch to Godot, because it is the engine that I master best when it comes to making video games. Although redoing it wasn’t difficult, it's a time expense that I could have used to finish polishing the game and adding things that I had to cut due to lack of time. 

  • Art and resolution

Being no artist, I had to decide on a fairly simple art, so I chose to do pixel art, the bad thing is that being so small the resolution, and making the game pixel-perfect any font I used always looked bad, something that I will have to solve in the future. In the end, I ended up using the pico-8 font which is not completely ugly but it didn't end up convincing me, since I am quite a perfectionist.

Example blurry text

Example blurry text
  • Deadline 

Time always plays against us, especially when life is not just about making little games hahaha. I had to cut many things from the scope I had in mind for the final game such as cinematics, dialogues, etc, although it ends up being a pretty well-polished MVP.

With this, I hope that some things are clear, it's necessary to choose the right technology to develop the video game from the beginning, know that you may have problems in the development and that you must know how to admit that something is good when you don't think so, and lastly, that the scope of the game doesn’t exceed the deadline of what you have in mind to avoid getting out of hand. 

You can play the game, it’s quite short. Thank you for your time.

Files 29 MB
96 days ago

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